Space Clearing 101: Connecting with the Spirit of Air as a Healing Tool

Space Clearing 101: Connecting with the Spirit of Air as a Healing Tool

To continue with our series on Space Clearing, this week we will discuss Connecting with the Spirit of Air as a Healing Tool.How often do we stop to acknowledge the quality of the air around us? Imagine (or remember) what it feels like to step into a space that has been closed up for a while. The air feels not only still but stagnant. It may smell musty and feel either cold and damp or warm and sticky on your skin. Now, think of your favorite space, either in your home or somewhere else. What is the quality of the air in that space?

In completing a space clearing, working with the element of air is essential. As we move energy, we also move the air around every object and us within the space. The element of air moves around and within you. The quality of your air supports your life. After all, everything, even air, is energy.

So, just as with any space clearing, first set your intention. Your intention can focus on what you desire to bring into your life and your specific intentions for how you would like to feel in that room or space. Then, choose your tool. What can be considered a tool when working with the Spirit of Air?

One tool that can be used is smudging with sage, cedar, or another organic herb. Another tool can be feathers, incense, or essential oils. Each of these moves with the air. If you choose to work with essential oils, check the property of the oil and choose one that reflects the intention that you would like to invoke in the space.

As discussed in the previous space clearing blogs (here, here and here), it is essential that you set an intention for your clearing and for what energy you would like to bring into your space. Once that it done and you’ve chosen your tool, feel and sense the vibrations coming from the tool and moving into the far reaches of your space, clearing out any energies that do not serve you well. Imagine the stagnant energies being released from the space and the new, desired energies filling the space with love and fresh energy.

Imagine yourself becoming the Air. How would you move in the space once the energy is clear? Would you be able to move around objects, into corners, and up to the ceiling with grace and ease? Imagine yourself being the feather or smoke or essential oils that you are clearing with. Can you feel how you are clearing out the stagnant energy, filling the space with love and infusing the energy of your intentions?

On a daily basis, you may also use ceiling fans and essential oil diffusers to continue to move the energy in your spaces to keep it fresh and vibrant. How often do you open your windows? Moving fresh air into your spaces is also a wonderful way to keep the air and energy moving to have a beautiful, and energetically sparkling space.

And, as mentioned previously, once you have completed clearing your space, check back in with the quality of sound and light in the space. How has it changed? How does that change make you feel? Did you bring in the feelings that you desired? I enjoy being in spaces that are fresh and clear, where the colors and sounds are crisp and brilliant.

And remember, you can do a space clearing at any time, but they can be especially important after a significant emotional event has occurred in a space or before or after a move.

Shifting the energy in your space by connecting with the Spirit of Air can leave your spaces with amazing energy. It is one way to infuse your spaces with your desired intentions. To become even more clear with your intentions, center yourself and tap into the emotions that you desire to experience in your life. Is it your goal to have a new job that will bring you more joy or more freedom? Would you like to have an abundance of time or energy in your daily experiences? The more specific you can be with your desired experiences, the more you can tap into the energy that you will bring into your space.

If you have questions or would like to learn more, please let me know in the comments below.

If you find that you are excited about starting an in-depth study of space clearing, I am planning to teach an Interior Alignment® Seven Star Blessing Space Clearing certification course in May. The first portion of the class will be online, followed by an on-site intensive in the summer. Click here to learn more.

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