Clearing Mental and Emotional Space for 2019

Clearing Mental and Emotional Space for 2019

How is your end of the year clearing progressing? Sometimes clutter clearing can be simple and straightforward.Other times, it can be full of resistance and avoidance. I’ve wrestled with avoidance on more than one occasion in my life. In the end, I usually find that the avoidance and resistance has little to nothing to do with the actual objects I need to clear. Instead, it is wrapped up in the thoughts and emotions that I have attached to the objects.

If you are experiencing avoidance and resistance, take some time to reflect on the meaning that you have granted these physical objects. After all, they are objects. It is you that have given them meaning. What meaning do you give them? Sometimes, objects represent security, they hold memories and emotions related to experiences that you’ve had around the time you were given or bought the item. The item can represent good times that you’ve had in the past. What can you do to release the attachment so that the objects can be more easily released?

Setting intentions for your space and the objects within can support in releasing objects. Creating ceremony around the release of thoughts and emotions can support as well. We can celebrate our past experiences, express gratitude for our life’s path and look forward with expectancy to what’s to come.

There are many factors that work together to create our reality, including our thoughts and emotions. And even when we don’t consciously examine the thoughts and emotions that we have attached to the objects and colors in our spaces, they are still present. That’s why it is so important to surround yourself only with objects that you use and love, ones that support your growth and in manifesting the present and future that you desire.

In examining mental and emotional clutter, look at items like your calendar or to-do list. Are the activities that you have committed to feeding your soul or draining it? Do they bring you joy? How can you shift how you spend your time each day to be more self-supportive and self-loving? Are there relationships in your life that feed your soul, or drain it? What shifts can you make to spend less time with those who drain you?

Most importantly, reflect on the thoughts that you grow and support. Do you speak to yourself with kindness and compassion? Are you self-supportive or do you feed your soul with doubt?

In the meantime, take care and feel free to reach out if you have any questions or comments.

Love & Blessings,

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