Happy New Year!
The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to renew or reset our intentions for our life. And although you can certainly set a new intention on any day or at any time, the collective energy of new beginnings can support us more fully in moving forward.
So, what are your intentions moving forward, and how can you use the energy of new beginnings to support you? Remember that with any intention; focus on the feeling you wish to achieve. What is it that you desire your life to look & FEEL like? How do you want to experience each day and each moment? Have you ever picked a theme or focus word for your year?
In the past, I’ve made a list of intentions that I tried to dive into all at once at the beginning of the year.Often, that led me to overwhelm and in doing a little in each area instead of fully integrating the changes I desired to make. Now, I am going to decide on just a few things I really want to accomplish this new year and take on one change at a time in order to fully integrate it into my life – in what I do, how I think and who I am.
I suggest that you chose your intentions, then decide on what actions will move you forward and schedule them into your daily routine…a little at a time. This may also involve releasing some things that are currently present in your life. As you move forward, celebrate your accomplishments, celebrate yourself and enjoy the journey of the upcoming year.
It is my wish that you manifest all that you desire in this New Year with grace and ease! As we all leap forward into 2019, may we each embrace love, joy & abundance in our lives!
Love, Blessings & Gratitude,