Creating Magical Days: Setting Intentions

What is an Intention? According to Merriam-Webster, one definition of an intention is “what one intends to do or bring about.”

In the past, when I woke up in the morning, my first thoughts revolved around what I didn’t want to do. I didn’t want to go to work.I didn’t want to spend hours commuting. What I did not do is set an intention about what I DID want to experience that day! And I learned that what I focused on, especially at that time, set the tone for my entire day (which was certainly not as magical as it could have been).

Well, I’ve learned in the last few years how important, and even essential, it is to set an intention for every aspect of my day. Setting an intention has become a magical experience. It provides experiences of clarity and ease throughout my day.

When setting an intention, I reflect on what it is that I desire to experience that day. And this experience can be an event, a series of thoughts, or an emotion. I find the most success when setting the intention before I go to sleep when I can prioritize what I desire to accomplish and experience. I write down my intention and up to three things that I wish to accomplish throughout the day. I then place them in a space where I will see them in the morning.

Many times, if there is a problem that I’d like to solve, and I’ve placed my intentions out, I’ll wake up with the solution already in mind. Often when I wait until that morning to set my intentions, something inevitably occurs that shifts my priorities for the day and guides me in a different direction.

Intentions work best when they are grounded in emotion. Even if there is a day when I’m not quite sure specifically what I want to experience, I’ll set the intention based on a feeling, like joy, peace or excitement, and events will occur that support those feelings.

Remember, “energy flows where intention goes.” How do you want energy to flow in your life?

When setting intentions, think of the process of creating a vision board. When you place a focus on the emotions that you desire to experience and look for representations of that, you may find more than what you originally anticipated. You may be drawn to words, colors, symbols, patterns and images that you had not imagined you would find.

Allow the feeling of what you desire to open you up to experiences and ideas that are outside of habitual patterns. Be open to the unexpected.  

Being intentional about our day(s) can open the doors wide to many magical experiences. What intentions will you set to begin your day?

Love & Blessings,

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