
Magical Clutter Clearing

Magical Clutter Clearing

“How can Clutter Clearing be magical?” you may wonder. When you think of clearing clutter, what’s the first feeling that comes up? Is it dread, or overwhelm? Or, is it joyful and full of excitement? Or, do you think of the many ads, memes and fads that you’ve seen in the last year or so, talking about how great clutter clearing is?

Despite your initial reactions to the mention of clutter clearing, it can actually be a transformational experience, made even more meaningful when backed up by your intentions.

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Creating Magical Days: Setting Intentions

What is an Intention? According to Merriam-Webster, one definition of an intention is “what one intends to do or bring about.”

In the past, when I woke up in the morning, my first thoughts revolved around what I didn’t want to do. I didn’t want to go to work.I didn’t want to spend hours commuting. What I did not do is set an intention about what I DID want to experience that day! And I learned that what I focused on, especially at that time, set the tone for my entire day (which was certainly not as magical as it could have been). Continue reading “Creating Magical Days: Setting Intentions”

How I Was Drawn to Interior Alignment® Feng Shui and Space Clearing

I discovered the existence of the International Institute of Interior Alignment® more than ten years ago now…

I had always had an interest in moving and shifting household items.I found great joy in shifting the furniture in my room, painting my room, and creating floor plans and miniature doll houses, complete with furniture that I made and wallpaper. I never knew there was a thing called Feng Shui growing up.

Then, about ten years ago, I expressed an interest in finding something new. A friend suggested that I make a list of all the things I enjoy doing, and I’ll find what I’m meant to be doing. My list included things like interior design, astrology, color, photography, numerology, energy work, meditation, yoga, and some other things. I really didn’t think I would find anything that encompassed any of all these things.

Continue reading “How I Was Drawn to Interior Alignment® Feng Shui and Space Clearing”

Arranging Our Spaces to Support Our Commitments and Intentions

Blog Post - Arranging Our Spaces to Support Our Commitments and Intentions

There are times in my life when I’ve made a commitment or set an intention and then things didn’t unfold as I expected them to.During some of these times, I abandoned what I set out to do; and later, it became a regret.

There are other times when I vowed to “start over” from the beginning but held onto the thought that I wouldn’t be able to complete the project or commitment because I didn’t complete it the first time that I tried. Continue reading “Arranging Our Spaces to Support Our Commitments and Intentions”

Is Clutter Clearing Fun?

Is Clutter Clearing Fun

As we continue to move through the Solstice (Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere) and the last Full Moon of 2018, we are encouraged to step forward into the light, releasing things, beliefs, and emotions that do not serve our highest good.And what a perfect time to release right before so many celebrations, family and cultural traditions. In the midst of all the celebrating, potentially spending time with family or friends, who is really looking forward to clutter clearing? Continue reading “Is Clutter Clearing Fun?”