
Space Clearing 101: Connecting with the Spirit of Air as a Healing Tool

Space Clearing 101: Connecting with the Spirit of Air as a Healing Tool

To continue with our series on Space Clearing, this week we will discuss Connecting with the Spirit of Air as a Healing Tool.How often do we stop to acknowledge the quality of the air around us? Imagine (or remember) what it feels like to step into a space that has been closed up for a while. The air feels not only still but stagnant. It may smell musty and feel either cold and damp or warm and sticky on your skin. Now, think of your favorite space, either in your home or somewhere else. What is the quality of the air in that space?

In completing a space clearing, working with the element of air is essential. As we move energy, we also move the air around every object and us within the space. The element of air moves around and within you. The quality of your air supports your life. After all, everything, even air, is energy. Continue reading “Space Clearing 101: Connecting with the Spirit of Air as a Healing Tool”

Space Clearing 101: Connecting with Sound as a Healing Tool

Connecting with Sound as a Healing Tool

When many people think of space clearing, a tool like sage probably comes to mind. In fact, “saging” your home is another way people describe doing a space clearing.Yet, there are many tools that can be used to clear a space and shift the energy. One of the categories of tools that can be used is sound. After all, everything is energy; and sound is energy. What better way to change the vibration in a space than by using sound, whether it is through music or something else?

So, once you have set your intentions for your space, the next step is to choose the tools you will use to complete your space clearing. One of those options is to use sound. Sound can be a very powerful and healing tool when used in a space clearing. Have you ever noticed being in a space where sound seems unnaturally muffled? Are there spaces in your home where colors appear dull or muted? This might be a good time for a space clearing. Continue reading “Space Clearing 101: Connecting with Sound as a Healing Tool”

Space Clearing 101: What’s Important in Clearing a Space?

Space Clearing 101: What's Important in Clearing a Space

Take a deep breath and recall what it feels like to be in your favorite space from your past.How did that space make you feel? What did it look and smell like? Once you have a clear picture of what that space was like, recall the emotion that is most prevalent when you think of that favorite space. Is it Joy? Love? Contentment? Peace? Or, something else?

Now, think of your home. When you walk through the door into your home, what is the first feeling that comes forth? Is it Joy? Love? Or, is it more like Frustration? Sadness? Overwhelm? If the primary feeling in your home is not one that you desire, one way that you can shift it is with a space clearing. Continue reading “Space Clearing 101: What’s Important in Clearing a Space?”

The Power of Space Clearing in Creating Sacred Space

The Power of Space Clearing in Creating Sacred Space

As spring begins, I often start a round of spring cleaning to clear the clutter and renew my space.It’s a wonderful feeling to peel back the layers of winter hibernation and reflection and begin to plant the seeds for the intentions we wish to grow in the coming months. Clearing out our physical clutter is a great way to begin this process of renewal. Once we have finished releasing the physical clutter, there are some things we can do to renew the energy in our spaces as well.

Have you ever walked into a space after an argument or a very sad experience and felt the heaviness still lingering in the air? Have you felt the difference in the energy of a room before and after a party? Our spaces and the objects in those spaces hold the energy of the people and events that reside within them; but there are many ways that we can clean, clear and renew our spaces to create sacred spaces, where we feel safe, uplifted, energized and loved. Continue reading “The Power of Space Clearing in Creating Sacred Space”

Feng Shui in the Heart of Your Home: 4 Ways to Enhance Wellness Starting in Your Kitchen

Feng Shui in the Heart of Your Home: 4 Ways to Enhance Wellness Starting in Your Kitchen

When you think of your childhood home, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Is it family meals? Do you recall the smell of your favorite dishes? Often times, the typical gathering place in our homes is the kitchen.Our kitchens are places where we store, prepare and eat our food, providing us with the energy and nourishment to live. Kitchens are also a place of community, where we can come together with family and friends to prepare and eat meals together.

Consider your current kitchen area. How do you feel when you enter the room? Do you feel that it is a place of honor where you will prepare healthy and delicious food, or do you dread walking into the space? Is it cluttered and dreary? Does it represent more work that needs to be done, or a place of joy and creativity? While there are many things you can shift to enhance your kitchen, let’s take a look at just four ways to create a kitchen that supports aspects of wellness in our lives. Continue reading “Feng Shui in the Heart of Your Home: 4 Ways to Enhance Wellness Starting in Your Kitchen”

Creating the Road Map of Your Life: Embarking on A Life Assessment

Creating the Road Map of Your Life: Embarking on A Life Assessment

When we first moved to our current home, many of our friends and family members had difficulty finding the house.They would enter the address in the GPS and find themselves at the end of a road to nowhere. It turned out that the GPS had inaccurate information in its system and was guiding people to an unfinished path. Following their guidance, though, they were confident about their direction until they hit this road block and had to re-direct themselves by calling for assistance.

Have you ever thought you knew where you were going in life but hit a roadblock? What did you do? Did you ask for assistance? Did you think about where you had come from to retrace your steps? Continue reading “Creating the Road Map of Your Life: Embarking on A Life Assessment”