
Invisible Clutter: When De-Cluttering is about more than a Clean House

Invisible Clutter: When De-Cluttering is about more than a Clean House

“Action Expresses Priorities.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Are you feeling overwhelmed, rushed and burned out? Do you have time to work on the things most important to you? Do you even remember what’s most important to you?

As the seasons change, it is a perfect time to reflect upon our lives to celebrate how much we’ve accomplished and also to check that we have not strayed off our intended path. What were those intentions we set at the beginning of the year? Have we become so bogged down with responsibilities and tasks that we don’t know if they relate to your goals or not? Continue reading “Invisible Clutter: When De-Cluttering is about more than a Clean House”

Using Feng Shui to Create a Vision for Your Ideal Home

Using Feng Shui to Create a Vision for Your Ideal Home

Finding a home that will support you, make you feel safe, connect you to nature and hold sacred space for you is essential to living a fuller, freer and more joyful life.  Before you focus on how your home should look, reflect on the goals and dreams you have for your own life. What do you want to be doing five or ten years from now? If you accomplish your goals, how will you feel? Do you want to feel a sense of freedom, joy, or relaxation? When you focus on these emotions, what colors, scents and images come to mind? Continue reading “Using Feng Shui to Create a Vision for Your Ideal Home”

Feng Shui vs. Clutter – Enemies to the Bitter End

Feng Shui vs. Clutter – Enemies to the Bitter End

So, what’s the big deal about clutter anyway? Everyone has some, right?

If we look at the Merriam-Webster online, it defines clutter as “disordered things that impede movement or reduce effectiveness.” What thoughts, feelings and things do you have that are reducing your effectiveness? Reduced effectiveness can come in many forms. It could take the form of wasting time looking for things you can’t find, procrastination, buying duplicates because you can’t locate the original, or postponing your dreams because you become to bogged down with “the business of living.” Continue reading “Feng Shui vs. Clutter – Enemies to the Bitter End”

Using the Power of Sound to Transform Your Space

Using the Power of Sound to Transform Your Space

We never realize how much noise we are surrounded by until the power goes out.Imagine being in the aftermath of a thunderstorm with no power. Do you suddenly become aware of what you no longer hear? Is the silence shocking to you?

It is at these times that we miss the sounds of the television or radio along with the low hum of our appliances and even that of the light bulbs. Now, imagine the effect of these constant, nearly negligible sounds and their vibrations on both you and your space. Continue reading “Using the Power of Sound to Transform Your Space”

Where’s the Front Door?

Where's the Front Door?

Have you ever gone to some place new and not been able to find the front door? Over the past two years, I have had numerous frustrating visits to buildings (mostly schools) at which I could not find the front door.You would think finding the entrance would not be difficult, wouldn’t you? How hard could it be? Use a map or GPS, input the address, arrive at the destination and there’s the entrance, right? WRONG! I would often walk up to the entrance, even with the name of the building above the door and no luck. The door would be sealed or locked with no sign directing me to the entrance. The handles would be removed from the door and the doorbells gone. Continue reading “Where’s the Front Door?”

Want more balance, joy & clarity?

Trash your Junk. Transform your Life.
Does any of this sound like you?

  • When you open your eyes in the morning, does what you see exhaust you?
  •  Are you still trying to do everything perfectly (and all by yourself)?
  •  Do you know that something needs to change but don’t know where or how to get started?

The truth is, the way you live at home reflects what’s going on in your life.You really set up your outer escort bayan environment to reflect how you think and feel.  In order to move forward in life, you have to get your physical space under control (and part of control is knowing when to let go of what is no longer useful). That’s why feng shui and space clearing are so darn important. Continue reading “Want more balance, joy & clarity?”