Is Clutter Clearing Fun?

Is Clutter Clearing Fun

As we continue to move through the Solstice (Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere) and the last Full Moon of 2018, we are encouraged to step forward into the light, releasing things, beliefs, and emotions that do not serve our highest good.And what a perfect time to release right before so many celebrations, family and cultural traditions. In the midst of all the celebrating, potentially spending time with family or friends, who is really looking forward to clutter clearing? Continue reading “Is Clutter Clearing Fun?”

Does Releasing Clutter Negate My Experiences?

Does Releasing Clutter Negate My Experiences?

On my clutter clearing journey, I am beginning to come across items that I was either given by my parents or that I got when I cleaned out my parents’ home in preparation for its sale when my dad moved in with us.Although I was able to clear out some things with my dad’s assistance while my dad was alive, there are still boxes of mementos, paintings and other artwork from their house, and what seems like a million photographs. The space where these items are stored is now nearly unusable for its intended purpose. Continue reading “Does Releasing Clutter Negate My Experiences?”

Clearing Mental and Emotional Space for 2019

Clearing Mental and Emotional Space for 2019

How is your end of the year clearing progressing? Sometimes clutter clearing can be simple and straightforward.Other times, it can be full of resistance and avoidance. I’ve wrestled with avoidance on more than one occasion in my life. In the end, I usually find that the avoidance and resistance has little to nothing to do with the actual objects I need to clear. Instead, it is wrapped up in the thoughts and emotions that I have attached to the objects. Continue reading “Clearing Mental and Emotional Space for 2019”

Creating Room for 2019

Creating Room for 2019

With less than 30 days left in 2018, it’s a great time to reflect on this year’s journey, hold my experiences with gratitude and look forward to 2019 with anticipation and excitement for what’s to come.From a place of gratitude, my sight for what I would like to create in the new year becomes more clear. I have time to be present with my current experiences and determine what steps I’ll take to continue moving towards my dreams. Continue reading “Creating Room for 2019”

5 Feng Shui Strategies to Promote Wellness in Your Life

5 Feng Shui Strategies to Promote Wellness in Your Life

Have you ever walked into a physical space where you felt safe, supported and nurtured? Did you stop to consider why the space made you feel this way? Now, consider your home and how you feel in your spaces there.Imagine creating a space where you can be physically, emotionally and spiritually safe and cared for. Living in a safe and supportive environment is a key to providing many things in our lives, including physical and emotional wellness. While there are many things you can change in your home to create a safe and nurturing space, let’s take a look at just 5 ways to create a home that supports many aspects of wellness in our lives. Continue reading “5 Feng Shui Strategies to Promote Wellness in Your Life”

5 Ways Clearing Your Clutter Will Transform Your Life

5 Ways Clearing Your Clutter Will Transform Your Life

When I came home this evening and looked at my desk, I could feel my energy level sinking into an abyss. Hadn’t I just cleared it over the weekend? How could so much paper seem to re-accumulate AND multiply? As I sat down to contemplate the “stuff” on my desk, I realized how chaotic my thoughts had been this week.I hadn’t really stuck to a single project to get it done, I hadn’t taken care of little tasks that would take only a few minutes if I just started and finished them without doing a million other things in between. I began to see that what was missing was clarity and purpose.

How often do we accumulate things because we are not clear on our purpose or the true reason for having those objects? Many times, clutter clearing revolves around our stuff… things that we don’t use, need or love. And getting rid of things so our spaces can look and feel nice. There are also deeper reasons why we should clear our clutter, and, in doing so, transform our lives in more lasting ways. Continue reading “5 Ways Clearing Your Clutter Will Transform Your Life”

Mirroring our Changing Lives in Our Homes

Mirroring our Changing Lives in Our Homes

While the change of seasons is an awesome time to shift the energy in your home by giving it a good, thorough cleaning; anytime is a good time.Our lives are constantly changing. Keeping the energy of our homes in tune with those changes will support us and help us to keep moving forward. Along with that cleaning, it’s also a great idea to get rid of things you no longer use, need, want, nor bring you joy. These things are clutter.

What pushes something into the category of clutter? And what types of clutter are we talking about? Imagine you are walking through a store and see a beautiful art work that you fall completely in love with and must have it in your home. Do you have any in your home now or any other similar object? Continue reading “Mirroring our Changing Lives in Our Homes”

Fill Your Home with Gratitude (and Abundance!)

Fill Your Home with Gratitude (and Abundance!)

One way to attract more abundance into our lives is to be truly grateful for what we already have! Are there ways to sort and arrange the objects in our homes that reflect this gratitude? Check out these tips creating goals and guidelines about what to surround ourselves with to increase the energy of gratitude in our homes and attract even more abundance into our lives!

What is gratitude? Gratitude is a feeling of thankfulness and being thankful occurs when you are glad that something has or has not happened, or that something or someone exists, etc.(according to Merriam-Webster at When you look around your home and examine your life, have you surrounded yourself with things that you are grateful for? Do the people, objects and activities in your life bring you joy, delight, or satisfaction? Continue reading “Fill Your Home with Gratitude (and Abundance!)”

Helping Children Create Balance in Their Lives Through Feng Shui

Helping Children Create Balance in Their Lives Through Feng Shui

Is your child’s room a mess? Does he or she struggle with finding things, including their bed? It is important that we empower our children to create supportive and nurturing spaces for themselves.Below are some points to keep in mind when creating spaces that help your children to feel safe, supported, and on the way to manifesting their dreams.

Characteristics of our children’s rooms should mirror those of your room too. Your child should feel safe in the space, not only physically but emotionally as well. They should feel like all of their needs are being met. The rooms should make connections to nature and reflect what is more important or sacred to that child. Continue reading “Helping Children Create Balance in Their Lives Through Feng Shui”

The Activating Power Of Spring: Plant And Nourish Only What You Want To Harvest

The Activating Power Of Spring: Plant And Nourish Only What You Want To Harvest

This winter has been particularly cold and unpredictable.How do you feel during the wintertime? Usually, if the winter feels particularly long, I begin to feel a bit confined and my energy is subdued. It is a time of introspection and reflection – one of hibernation.

Recently, however, signs of spring began popping up. People have been getting excited about seeing signs of spring, which officially begins next week. I’ve seen neighbors out exercising and preparing their lawns for spring. Continue reading “The Activating Power Of Spring: Plant And Nourish Only What You Want To Harvest”