The Activating Power Of Spring: Plant And Nourish Only What You Want To Harvest

The Activating Power Of Spring: Plant And Nourish Only What You Want To Harvest

This winter has been particularly cold and unpredictable.How do you feel during the wintertime? Usually, if the winter feels particularly long, I begin to feel a bit confined and my energy is subdued. It is a time of introspection and reflection – one of hibernation.

Recently, however, signs of spring began popping up. People have been getting excited about seeing signs of spring, which officially begins next week. I’ve seen neighbors out exercising and preparing their lawns for spring. Continue reading “The Activating Power Of Spring: Plant And Nourish Only What You Want To Harvest”

Why Riding a Motorcycle is Like The Law of Attraction

Why Riding a Motorcycle is Like The Law of Attraction

Many years ago, as I was learning to ride a motorcycle, I was taught to look where I want to go. “Look through the turn” is what I constantly heard. “NO! Don’t look down.” Look where you want to end up and let your vision pull you, your body and the motorcycle there. If you look down, that’s where you’ll end up – on the ground. It sounds easy in theory; but for me, this was a difficult lesson to learn.

Recently, I heard the song, “Don’t Look Down” by David Ryan Harris from the Biker Boyz soundtrack. As I listened to the lyrics, it occurred to me that riding a motorcycle is like working with the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction teaches us to focus on where we want to be – to throw the anchor of desire into the future and let it pull and guide us to our desired destination through action. If we spend too much time “looking down”, or focusing on our current circumstances, what we will end up with is more of what we see and feel in the current moment. Continue reading “Why Riding a Motorcycle is Like The Law of Attraction”

How Essential Oils Enhance Feng Shui Practices

How Essential Oils Enhance Feng Shui Practices

Can you recall the way your childhood home smelled when your favorite holiday meal was being cooked? Or, the smell that surrounds you when you walk past your favorite dessert shop on the street? What does thinking of those smells bring back? Memories? Emotions? Feelings?  Or, all of these and more?

The power of smell can significantly impact the way your home, office, or car feels and the way that people react when they enter and spend time there.More than any other sense, the sense of smell can reconstruct memory and bring back emotions in an instant. Smell creates a bridge between the visible and invisible in our world. Before people even see the colors in your home, the objects, furniture or anything else, the smells are already being processed by the subconscious. So, how do you want to feel when you enter your home? And how do you want others to feel? Continue reading “How Essential Oils Enhance Feng Shui Practices”

Attract the Energy of Love with Feng Shui: Setting Up Your Bedroom

Attract the Energy of Love with Feng Shui: Setting Up Your Bedroom

Why is the setup of your bedroom important in feng shui? First of all, most people spend about 1/3 of their time in the bedroom.It is the spot where  our bodies and minds balance, recover, rejuvenate and more every day. It is essential that our bedrooms to be a place where we feel physically, mentally and emotionally safe – a place where we can be ourselves and express ourselves. Our bedroom is also a symbol of our inner self. Who you are and what you desire for your life to be like should be reflected in this heart of your home.

While the design of each person’s bedroom should be unique to that person’s needs and desires, here’s a list of 5 tips to start with in your bedroom: Continue reading “Attract the Energy of Love with Feng Shui: Setting Up Your Bedroom”