Why Riding a Motorcycle is Like The Law of Attraction

Why Riding a Motorcycle is Like The Law of Attraction

Many years ago, as I was learning to ride a motorcycle, I was taught to look where I want to go. “Look through the turn” is what I constantly heard. “NO! Don’t look down.” Look where you want to end up and let your vision pull you, your body and the motorcycle there. If you look down, that’s where you’ll end up – on the ground. It sounds easy in theory; but for me, this was a difficult lesson to learn.

Recently, I heard the song, “Don’t Look Down” by David Ryan Harris from the Biker Boyz soundtrack. As I listened to the lyrics, it occurred to me that riding a motorcycle is like working with the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction teaches us to focus on where we want to be – to throw the anchor of desire into the future and let it pull and guide us to our desired destination through action. If we spend too much time “looking down”, or focusing on our current circumstances, what we will end up with is more of what we see and feel in the current moment. Continue reading “Why Riding a Motorcycle is Like The Law of Attraction”