Why Clutter Clearing is a Spiritual Quest

Why Clutter Clearing is a Spiritual Quest

Does clutter magically appear in your home? Do you wake up wondering where all the stuff came from when you just gave 20 bags to charity?

Let’s look first at what clutter is.Clutter is ANYTHING that we do not use, love, or want. It can include broken items, unfinished projects, duplicates, or borrowed items. It can include the parrot figurine that a wedding guest gave you that you think is hideous. How many outfits do you have in your closets that are too big, or too small? Just as keeping clothes that no longer fit do not honor who we are today, keeping objects that do not fit our lives do not honor ourselves! Continue reading “Why Clutter Clearing is a Spiritual Quest”

Feng Shui vs. Clutter – Enemies to the Bitter End

Feng Shui vs. Clutter – Enemies to the Bitter End

So, what’s the big deal about clutter anyway? Everyone has some, right?

If we look at the Merriam-Webster online, it defines clutter as “disordered things that impede movement or reduce effectiveness.” What thoughts, feelings and things do you have that are reducing your effectiveness? Reduced effectiveness can come in many forms. It could take the form of wasting time looking for things you can’t find, procrastination, buying duplicates because you can’t locate the original, or postponing your dreams because you become to bogged down with “the business of living.” Continue reading “Feng Shui vs. Clutter – Enemies to the Bitter End”