Creating the Road Map of Your Life: Embarking on A Life Assessment

Creating the Road Map of Your Life: Embarking on A Life Assessment

When we first moved to our current home, many of our friends and family members had difficulty finding the house.They would enter the address in the GPS and find themselves at the end of a road to nowhere. It turned out that the GPS had inaccurate information in its system and was guiding people to an unfinished path. Following their guidance, though, they were confident about their direction until they hit this road block and had to re-direct themselves by calling for assistance.

Have you ever thought you knew where you were going in life but hit a roadblock? What did you do? Did you ask for assistance? Did you think about where you had come from to retrace your steps? Continue reading “Creating the Road Map of Your Life: Embarking on A Life Assessment”

5 Ways a Vision Seed Map will help You Create Your Dream Future

5 Ways a Vision Seed Map will help You Create Your Dream Future

A vision seed map is more than simply a visualization tool where you can see pictures of the things you want in your life.It can be a powerful manifestation tool that plants the seeds of your dream future. The process of creating a vision seed map can be quite intentional and ceremonial.

During my Soul Coaching® Certification course, Denise Linn led us through a beautiful Soul Journey (special guided visualization) during which we imagined the limitless possibilities for our future. Afterwards, with reflection and in silence, we chose images, colors, and words from magazines, cards, posters and more to be placed on the vision seed map. Once the images were cut and arranged just right on the board, I glued them down. After the maps were completed, we discussed interpretations of the placement of images and symbols on our boards. A final meditation activated the energy of the board and planted the seeds of our future possibilities. Continue reading “5 Ways a Vision Seed Map will help You Create Your Dream Future”