Space Clearing 101: Connecting with Sound as a Healing Tool

Connecting with Sound as a Healing Tool

When many people think of space clearing, a tool like sage probably comes to mind. In fact, “saging” your home is another way people describe doing a space clearing.Yet, there are many tools that can be used to clear a space and shift the energy. One of the categories of tools that can be used is sound. After all, everything is energy; and sound is energy. What better way to change the vibration in a space than by using sound, whether it is through music or something else?

So, once you have set your intentions for your space, the next step is to choose the tools you will use to complete your space clearing. One of those options is to use sound. Sound can be a very powerful and healing tool when used in a space clearing. Have you ever noticed being in a space where sound seems unnaturally muffled? Are there spaces in your home where colors appear dull or muted? This might be a good time for a space clearing.

Using sound for a space clearing can be magical. Your “sound” space clearing tool can be a bell, sound bowl, drum, or any other musical instrument. You may choose to clap your hands. Sound is vibration, and any sound tool you use will move, shift, and refresh the energy. If you feel as if there is a great deal of energy to clear, you may want to use something that sounds more powerful, like a drum. Or, if you desire a more delicate moving of the energy, a bell may be more appropriate.

Just as you learn to sense the energy in a space, you may also sense which tool is most appropriate. There are a limitless variety of tools that you can use to clear your space. And while choosing a tool can be fun, it’s the way that you use the tool that is most important.

As discussed in the previous space clearing blogs (here and here), it is essential that you set an intention for your clearing and for what energy you would like to bring into your space. Once that it done and you’ve chosen your tool, feel and sense the vibrations coming from the tool and moving into the far reaches of your space, clearing out any energies that do not serve you well. Imagine the stagnant energies being released from the space and the new, desired energies filling the space with love and fresh energy.

Even when not completing a formal space clearing, you may use sound to keep the energy in a space moving and clear. One way you can do this is by leaving a radio on in a room while you are not there. Experiment and have fun with it. Leave the radio on while you are out and see if the energy of your space feels different when you return. Does it feel different than times when there is no sound (music) playing while you are gone? Does it make a difference to you what type of music is played in your absence? Can you sense the difference?

Wind chimes and other sound producing tools can be used in and around your home to keep the energy fresh and moving at all times. Singing, humming, or chanting will shift the energy as well. The best thing about singing, humming, or chanting is that the vibrational changes are coming from within you and emanating out to the spaces.

Once you have completed clearing your space, check back in with the quality of sound and light in the space. How has it changed? How does that change make you feel? Did you bring in the feelings that you desired? I enjoy being in spaces that are fresh and clear, where the colors and sounds are crisp and brilliant. And remember, you can do a space clearing at any time, but they can be especially important after a significant emotional event has occurred in a space, or before or after a move.

Shifting the energy in your space using sound can be very magical and powerful. It is one way to bring love and harmony into your spaces. It will assist in supporting the energies you desire in your life. For example, if you desire to feel more peace and harmony, you can bring this energy into your space through a space clearing. At the same time, if you desire to support yourself in enhancing your career or a relationship, a space clearing can be used to shift and bring in a vibration that can support you in these areas of your life as well. If you have questions or would like to learn more, please let me know in the comments below.

If you find that you are excited about starting an in-depth study of space clearing, I am planning to teach an Interior Alignment® Seven Star Blessing Space Clearing certification course in May. The first portion of the class will be online, followed by an on-site intensive in the summer. Click here to learn more.

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