Space Clearing 101: Connecting with the Energy of Water as a Healing Tool

Space Clearing 101: Connecting with the Energy of Water as a Healing Tool

Imagine sitting on the beach under the light of the full moon watching the tide roll in and out.With each wave, the water cleanses and softens the sand beneath…

Or, imagine yourself listening to the sound of a waterfall or spring rain…

When I think of each of these things, I feel a sense of peace and calmness. Water is an amazing tool that can be used to physically clean but also to energetically cleanse. Water, which also has long-standing associations with emotions, can be viewed as a symbol of emotional cleansing as well. How can we tap into the energy of water and use it as a healing tool in our lives?

As I mentioned in the previous space clearing articles (part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4), step number one is to be clear about your intentions for your space. Although energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can be transformed. So, as you usher out the energy that no longer supports you, what will you invite in?

What do you truly desire to experience in your life? How do you intend to express these desires? What are the energy and emotions that you need to support you in creating this experience?

During the clearing, consciously choose which ideas or energies you are releasing and which you are inviting in to support you. For example, if you desire to find the perfect career, reflect on what it is about a new career that excites you. Is it the prosperity that will come with the job, the freedom of flexible hours, or a connection to your true passion in life?

Water can be used in many ways to support a space clearing. And in addition to a specific space clearing ceremony, you can continually shift the energy in and support your space with water using items like essential oil diffusers and water fountains. One of my favorite ways to “charge” water (prepare it for a clearing) is to gather water that has sat out in the light of the full moon, absorbing all that awesome energy. This water can be used for your fountains, to create misters, or to put in your essential oil diffusers. You may even want to create a personal mister to carry with you and refresh your own energy throughout the day. There are also a number of other ways that water can be “charged”.

When choosing an essential oil to use in your mister or diffuser, tap into the energy that you desire to bring into your space. For example, lavender is a wonderful oil to use to create a relaxing atmosphere. Lemongrass can be used in spaces where you would like to support yourself in cleansing, releasing old limiting beliefs, or negativity. The more you know about yourself and what you desire to create and experience, the more targeted your choices can be for what essential oils and space clearing techniques you may choose to apply. The mixture of the energetically cleansed, or “charged”, water and the essential oil can create remarkable results in your spaces!

As with any space clearing, once you are complete, check back in with the quality of light and sound in the space. Take some deep breaths; sense the energy of the space. How has the space changed since your clearing? What new insights have you gained? Remember that you can clear a space at any time. Clearing using water can be especially powerful if you would like to connect with releasing emotions and healing emotional or spiritual wounds.

Using water as a healing and clearing tool in shifting the energy of your spaces can be potent. It is one way to clear out old energies that do not support you and invite in new energies that will support you and your desires. What is it that you truly desire? Abundance? A fulfilling career? A new partner or soul mate? What magic can you create in your life? Space clearings and feng shui will support you in creating the vibration that will match that which you desire to bring into your life. If you have questions or would like to learn more, please let me know in the comments below.

If you find that you are excited about starting an in-depth study of space clearing, I am planning to teach an Interior Alignment® Seven Star Blessing Space Clearing certification course, beginning in June. The first portion of the class will be online, followed by an on-site intensive in July. Click here to learn more.

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