Space Clearing 101: Connecting with the Fire of Transformation as a Healing Tool

Space Clearing 101: Connecting with the Fire of Transformation as a Healing Tool

Fire brings transformation.Picture a magnificent phoenix being reborn through the energy of fire. While fire can be known as a destructive element, it also clears out to bring in new life, keeps us warm, cooks our food, and can bring soothing energy. How do you feel when you sit in front of a fire? Or, what do you think of when you light candles? Lighted candles can bring a sacred energy to your space that is calming and meditative. In today’s article, we will discuss how to connect with the energy of fire as a healing tool in clearing and shifting the energy in your spaces.

I always recommend starting with a clear intention for your space (see my previous articles in the Space Clearing 101 series – part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4 and part 5). When creating an intention, focus on the feeling you desire to experience in the space along with the purpose for the space. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be transformed. When you energetically clear a space, as you usher old, unwanted energy, invite in the new, supportive energy that will carry you forward to your dreams.

So, what ways can you tap into the energy of fire to clear your home? One way to draw in the energy of fire is to shift the energy in a space using candles. Candles can energize a room or entire house. Using handmade candles can be especially supportive because they carry the energy and care of being crafted by hand. As you light the candles, focus on the intention you have for the space and imagine it being held in the flame and being dispersed into the air.

When choosing a candle, choose a color that is supportive of your intentions. For example, if you would like to add an atmosphere of connection and community, consider an orange candle. Blue candles are especially good for bedrooms and meditation spaces. As with other decisions you make in your space, choosing a color for the candle is a personal choice. Choose one that feels right to you rather than following a chart or diagram of suggested colors.

To maintain the cleansing energy of fire in your home, hang crystals in the windows to bring in the fire energy from the sun. You may also use mirrors to reflect the light of the sun into your home. Express gratitude for the use of electricity in your home (fire energy).

As with any space clearing, once you are complete, check back in with the quality of light, color, and sound in the space. Take some deep breaths; sense the energy of the space. How has the space changed since your clearing? What new insights have you gained? Remember that you can clear a space at any time. Clearing using fire energy can be especially powerful if you would like to connect with the energy of transmutation and transformation.

Using fire as a healing and clearing tool in shifting the energy of your spaces can be potent. It is one way to clear out old energies that do not support you and invite in new energies that will support you and your desires. What is it that you truly desire? Abundance? A fulfilling career? A new partner or soul mate? What magic can you create in your life? Space clearings and feng shui will support you in creating the vibration that will match that which you desire to bring into your life. If you have questions or would like to learn more, please let me know in the comments below.

If you find that you are excited about starting an in-depth study of space clearing, I am planning to teach an Interior Alignment® Seven Star Blessing Space Clearing certification course, beginning in June. The first portion of the class will be online, followed by an on-site intensive in July. Click here to learn more.

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