Space Clearing 101: Connecting with the Spirit Within as a Healing Tool

Space Clearing 101: Connecting with the Spirit Within as a Healing Tool

What is a healing tool? It is an implement that mends, restores, or repairs health and well-being.One purpose of a space clearing is to restore and renew energetic balance or well-being in a space. I’ve discussed many tools that can be used to support us in a space clearing, such as feathers, bells, essential oils, drums, and more. Yet, the essential part of each method is YOU.

When we perform a space clearing, it is who we are and the intentions we hold that provide the foundation for the shift in energy. I always recommend starting with a clear intention for your space (see my previous articles in the Space Clearing 101 series: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, and part 6). When creating an intention, focus on the feeling you desire to experience in the space along with the purpose for the space. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be transformed. When you energetically clear a space, as you usher out the old, unwanted energy, invite in the new, supportive energy that will carry you forward to living the life you desire.

Because we are so deeply connected to the earth (whether we are fully aware of this or not), we invoke her spirit when we perform a space clearing. Our ancestors lived in communities that mirrored the flow of the day (sunrise/sunset), the four directions and the four seasons. Their days honored the cycles by following and acknowledging them. Now, many of us are shut off from the cycles of nature. We can have light, heat, air conditioning and seasonal fruits all year long. I know some who never open their windows to let fresh air flow through their homes. So, what can we do to invoke the spirit of the earth and tap into the healer within?

Take time each day to connect with the earth beneath you. Breath in the fresh air, feel the earth beneath your feet. Take a cleansing salt bath. Salt has amazing purification qualities and can clear stagnant energy. To connect with the earth, you may also connect with stones and crystals that carry the energy that will support you in your space or on you personally. You may choose to carry stones with you during a space clearing to help support your intentions for the clearing as well.

Though space clearings are magical, there are everyday things that you can do to keep yourself and the spaces you inhabit full of fresh energy. Remember: It is your INTENTION that is paramount! You may carry salt (Epsom or Himalayan) with you. Open your windows, invite fresh air into your home through the front door, sweep your porch, and sweep within your home, keep your home clean by dusting regularly. You may light candles, nurture plants, play music, or use essential oils. There are many ways that you can invite nature and fresh energy into your home. What we also come back to is YOU as the key ingredient. An unused and unloved home will not maintain fresh energy.

These actions along with your clear and heartfelt intentions will shift the energy within and surrounding you. Remember to check in with your spaces, be present, check in with the quality of light, color, and sound in your spaces. Take some deep breaths and feel the energy in your space. You may freshen the energy of your home at any time. Enjoy the process; enjoy connecting with yourself, your intentions, and the energy and cycles of the earth as well as the spaces that are there to support you.

There are many ways that space clearings and feng shui will support you in creating the vibration that match what you desire to bring into your life. If you have questions or would like to learn more, please let me know in the comments below.

If you find that you are excited about starting an in-depth study of space clearing, I am planning to teach an Interior Alignment® Seven Star Blessing Space Clearing certification course, beginning in June. The first portion of the class will be online, followed by an on-site intensive in July. Click here to learn more.

One thought on “Space Clearing 101: Connecting with the Spirit Within as a Healing Tool”

  1. I love the part where you mentioned that we are all connected to the Earth and her spirit. I’ve always felt the energy within me and now I think that it could use some work. Maybe I can reach out to some wellness enthusiasts and see how I could work on the flowing energy inside me.

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