Creating Intentional Change with Feng Shui

Blog Post - Creating Intentional Change with Feng Shui

Change is inevitable. Everything, including us, is always in motion, shifting, moving, evolving. Through our thoughts, actions, and emotions, we are different at the end of the day than when we woke up in the morning. Even in change, though, we have choice. Our choices can guide and shape the change that occurs in our lives. What kind of choices do we make?

I remember a time when I felt constrained and had to make choices, either based on what I thought was best for a collective or based on a previous decision. Then, a friend mentioned a quote to me that basically said that just because I bought a ticket to the show doesn’t mean that I have to stay for the entire show, if I am not enjoying it.

There had been many times before that when I stayed in a job because a supervisor asked me to or because it was part of a multi-year program and I didn’t want to “abandon” them; yet in all these situations, I abandoned myself because I was making choices based on other people’s needs or just going with the flow without intention.

Just as we make choices in our daily lives, we have also made choices about where we are living and how our homes are set up – the furniture style, colors, images, scents, lighting, and more.

If you were a stranger walking through your home, what would you think about the person who lived there? What stories does your home tell about your life? And how would you change things to better represent yourself and your desires?

If you had a magic wand, what would you change about your home to better reflect your life? 

Feng shui and space clearing provide a variety of tools to support us in making these intentional changes, which can lead to true transformation in our lives. Check out these five quick tips to begin shifting your space to create a wave of intentional transformation.

1. Start with a Specific Intention

Create an intention that reflects what you desire and the emotions that will result in achieving your desires. Even if you are not clear on your desire but do know how you’d like to feel, then many things that result in the same emotion will be drawn to you. So if you’d like to experience more freedom in your life but don’t know exactly how that will look, create an intention to draw more freedom into your life and experiences that reflect freedom will be drawn to you.

2. Release what’s not in Alignment

Release those things that are not in alignment with your desires. These “things” can include physical objects, like clutter, or beliefs and emotions that block the path to achieving that which you desire. And remember to focus on what you do want to attract as you release what doesn’t fit.

3. Create Flow in Your Space

Arrange your spaces so that you can flow through them. Ensure that you can easily walk through spaces, not bumping into furniture or having to maneuver around things. Having space that feels comfortable and expansive can support in expanding opportunities in your life.

4. Bring Nature into Your Home

Create opportunities to draw nature into your home. This can be done through bringing actual objects into your home, like rocks, plants, flowers, seashells or other objects. This can also be achieved through images, color choices, and scents.

5. Surround Yourself with Joy

Finally, make sure you surround yourself with images, colors and objects that bring you joy and that represent or hold the essence of what you desire to bring more of into your life. Remember that a picture is worth a thousand words and that images are constantly sending and reinforcing messages to us. Choose images that are inspirational and uplifting and draw us into what we desire to achieve.

These are just a few very basic tips to start aligning your space with your desires. If you’d like to dive deeper into using feng shui to support your goals and dreams, contact me here.


Certified Practitioner of Interior Alignment®

Supporting Clients While Creating a Home for Your Soul

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