Creating Room for 2019

Creating Room for 2019

With less than 30 days left in 2018, it’s a great time to reflect on this year’s journey, hold my experiences with gratitude and look forward to 2019 with anticipation and excitement for what’s to come.From a place of gratitude, my sight for what I would like to create in the new year becomes more clear. I have time to be present with my current experiences and determine what steps I’ll take to continue moving towards my dreams.

When I look around my house, I can see what has accumulated in the last year. There are new items that I don’t really use, some items that were never repaired (and obviously am not using), and some items that were accumulated after clearing out my parents’ home. It’s time to do an end of the year clutter clearing to make room for the experiences and dreams of the new year.

The first thing I did was find a charity that will pick up items I wish to donate. I made an appointment for the last week in December to give me time to clear out and pack up. There will be items to donate, take to the landfill (for recycling) and perhaps some items to sell. Having a deadline makes it easier for me to pace myself and make this a doable task even during the holiday season. I will even get my family members on board as the children will have some days off for vacation before the pickup date and can dedicate some of their time to clearing things in their own spaces.

Next, what I’ll do is set an overall intention for the spaces I wish to clear, including how I desire to feel in those spaces after they’ve been cleared. When developing a meaningful intention, I reflect on what I’d like to use the space for and what I want to experience in the space. So, one possible intention could be: It is my intention to release clutter from my home office in order to experience creativity, joy and abundance.

Then, once the intention is in place, I can reflect on how the space currently feels and determine what is in that space that doesn’t support me being creative, joyful or abundant. I can also look for things that may be out of place or not useful in a home office. With a more targeted focus, I can clutter clear with more ease and fun and have a goal to work towards.

To make the experience even more joyful, I either diffuse essential oils or play music while I am clutter clearing. I believe that it is important to find joy in clutter clearing and cleaning so that an energy of love and joy is infused into the space.

I hope that you’ve found some useful tips in my beginning process. I will start this journey this week and have more tips for you soon. In the meantime, take care and feel free to reach out if you have any questions or comments.

Love & Blessings,

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