Feng Shui vs. Clutter – Enemies to the Bitter End

Feng Shui vs. Clutter – Enemies to the Bitter End

So, what’s the big deal about clutter anyway? Everyone has some, right?

If we look at the Merriam-Webster online, it defines clutter as “disordered things that impede movement or reduce effectiveness.” What thoughts, feelings and things do you have that are reducing your effectiveness? Reduced effectiveness can come in many forms. It could take the form of wasting time looking for things you can’t find, procrastination, buying duplicates because you can’t locate the original, or postponing your dreams because you become to bogged down with “the business of living.”

The fastest way to make changes in our lives is to change the attributes of our physical environment as the arrangement of our space is a reflection of our thinking. When you think about your home, car, or office space, what’s the first thing that comes to mind about clutter? Some things may pop out right away as objects that you do not use, or that are broken, or unwanted. What about the other less outstanding items…things that remind us of guilt, unfulfilled dreams, things that you do out of habit or obligation that do not support your dreams and goals.

If you start with a single room, or area of a room, look around as if you’ve never been in that space before. Pretend like you are window-shopping in your own home. Look at each item in the room and ask yourself the following questions: Do I love this object? Do I use this object? Does it represent the life I want for myself 5 years from now? 10 years from now? What does this object say about me, and the person I choose to become?

Free your space and your life of all that does not represent you, your values, your hopes and dreams. Removing those things that do not represent you and surrounding yourself with those that do is the first step in arranging your space for more joy, clarity and success. Once your physical space is clear, then we can move more deeply into the thoughts and feelings that occupy your world.

Just remember, clearing your space of these things does not always mean throwing it away. Your clutter could be someone else’s treasure!

Contact me to get started making changes today!

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