How Essential Oils Enhance Feng Shui Practices

How Essential Oils Enhance Feng Shui Practices

Can you recall the way your childhood home smelled when your favorite holiday meal was being cooked? Or, the smell that surrounds you when you walk past your favorite dessert shop on the street? What does thinking of those smells bring back? Memories? Emotions? Feelings?  Or, all of these and more?

The power of smell can significantly impact the way your home, office, or car feels and the way that people react when they enter and spend time there.More than any other sense, the sense of smell can reconstruct memory and bring back emotions in an instant. Smell creates a bridge between the visible and invisible in our world. Before people even see the colors in your home, the objects, furniture or anything else, the smells are already being processed by the subconscious. So, how do you want to feel when you enter your home? And how do you want others to feel?

Using essential oils is a great way to change the chi or energy of a space. There are many different ways that you can use essential oils to create dramatic effects. Essential oils are derived from living plants. First, ensure that what you are using is a natural essential oil and not a chemical fragrance. The essential oils can be used to clear energy from a space, infuse space with elements of your intentions or to help you achieve a goal or dream.

You will want to determine the effect that you would like to create. For example, lavender creates a calming and soothing effect while lemon is uplifting and refreshing, increasing mental alertness. Determine the primary purpose of the space as well as your goals. What do you wish to accomplish in the space? A restful night’s sleep? More family time? A productive and fulfilling day at work? Then, start with a guide to look up properties of essential oils. There are so many from which to choose, or combine, to support and compliment the mission of the room. And though you start with a guide, use your intuition to make the final selection.

Once you decide which essential oil you’d like to use, there are many ways to diffuse the scent into the room, such as misters, micro-diffusers or vaporizers. These products may be purchased, or you can make your own. For example, the quickest way to change the energy of a space is to use a mister to spray the essential oil mix into the air. If you’d like to make your own mixture, start with a glass spray bottle. Mix 8-10 drops of essential oil per 4 oz. of water. Shake, and then spray into the air and notice the immediate change in smell, air quality and energy of the space. It’s that easy!

Another wonderful way to use essential oils in a space is to use them when you are ready to paint the walls. You can seal a room with your intentions and its mission using affirmations, color and essential oils. For example, if you wanted to create a calming and relaxing effect in your bedroom and are going to paint the walls, follow these steps: Before painting, create an affirmation and write it on the walls in pencil, such as “I experience relaxation and a wonderful night’s sleep in my bedroom,” or “I am refreshed and rejuvenated after a peaceful night’s sleep.” Then, mix a vial of essential oil, such as lavender or jasmine, into the can of paint of the color of your choice (preferably a no VOC, no odor paint). Once the oil is stirred into the paint, paint your walls. As the paint dries, it seals your affirmation and the oil into the wall creating a wonderful and lasting effect in the room.

This is only the tip of the iceberg in using essential oils. If you’d like more information, please contact me. How will you use essential oils to change the feel (and smell) of your place?

13 thoughts on “How Essential Oils Enhance Feng Shui Practices”

  1. Hi Felicia!

    Just reading about the memories that certain scents remind me of really infused me!

    My favorite scents are vanilla/lavendar (mixed), sweet honeysuckle, and sugar cookies. I think the food flavored scents give me a warm, soothing feeling. Perhaps since I don’t cook much, I crave the gentle aroma of cookies or vanilla.

    Honeysuckle and flower scents really bring me back to memories of playing outdoors and eating honeysuckle as a child, or more currently soaking up the sweet flower scents of nature.

    Love, love, love!!!

  2. I love the power of essential oils, and the amazing magic of feng shui. Both together is a powerful recipe for miracles!
    What an amazing tip! Thank you so much!!!

  3. Hi Felicia! Wow, what fantastic timing, I was just asking someone else about essential oils and *poof* here you are. I l-o-v-e the idea of sealing oils into a room before painting, amazing! Thank you so much for the ‘recipe’ for the spritz too, and the encouragement that it’s the fastest way to shift the energy with oils. Don’t know why I never thought to combine oils either. Super-helpful article, I already bookmarked it and shared it 🙂 xxo, Marcie

  4. I loooove essential oils and this reminded me that I haven’t been diffusing them at all the last couple of weeks! Huh, I miss them! I’m going to get my diffuser going again right now. 😉

    I especially love the tip about using our intuition when making the final selection of oils. Great reminder that we really do know what we need within ourselves, even when it comes to essential oils and feng shui. 🙂

    1. Hi Jesse! Thank you for your comments. I also miss diffusing oils when I haven’t done it. It makes such a huge difference in your spaces. And we do have everything we need….we just need to slow down and be quiet so we can hear that inner voice 🙂

  5. I love this! I love using essential oils and I’ve found that Lemon and Bergamot are the ones that work the best for me. I’m very sensitive to lavender. I used to put dried lavender in my pillowcases, but I had to stop because my dreams got way too crazy and it actually caused me to get less rested sleep. I love the idea of setting intentions with the oils and infusing them into your home! Within the next two years, my partner and I are building a home, and we will definitely be using this method! Thank you! 🙂
    PollyAnna recently posted…5 Steps to Developing a Deeper Connection With Your PartnerMy Profile

    1. Hi PollyAnna! Thank you for your comments! It makes such a huge difference when you infuse the oils into your home. Let me know how it works for you when you move 🙂

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