How I Was Drawn to Interior Alignment® Feng Shui and Space Clearing

I discovered the existence of the International Institute of Interior Alignment® more than ten years ago now…

I had always had an interest in moving and shifting household items.I found great joy in shifting the furniture in my room, painting my room, and creating floor plans and miniature doll houses, complete with furniture that I made and wallpaper. I never knew there was a thing called Feng Shui growing up.

Then, about ten years ago, I expressed an interest in finding something new. A friend suggested that I make a list of all the things I enjoy doing, and I’ll find what I’m meant to be doing. My list included things like interior design, astrology, color, photography, numerology, energy work, meditation, yoga, and some other things. I really didn’t think I would find anything that encompassed any of all these things.

So, I started my internet search using the key words above. And though many things showed up, one thing that kept showing up was Interior Alignment®. I started researching what Interior Alignment® is and found Denise Linn’s book, “Feng Shui for the Soul: How to Create a Harmonious Environment that Will Nurture and Sustain You”. I read the book and found so many useful tips and things that resonated with me.

At the end of the book, Denise mentioned the School of Feng Shui that she founded that was based on the same principles she discussed in the book, and I knew this is what I wanted to learn.

At the end of the week, I attempted to contact several of the Interior Alignment® teachers but was unable to get in touch with anyone. It turned out that they were all attending the Interior Alignment® Conference that weekend. The first teacher I heard back from made me want to learn even more and said that when I meet the teacher I’m meant to study with, I will know.

That next year, I embarked officially on my journey into Interior Alignment®. Since then, I have myself become a Master Teacher of Interior Alignment® Feng Shui and Space Clearing.

What I love about this Feng Shui philosophy and methodology is how much it encourages us to tap into our intuition, feel the energy flow in our homes and determine what is best based on each individual person’s needs. Interior Alignment® draws on many ancient traditions and how our ancestors arranged their homes, connected with nature and the seasons and created flow and abundance in their lives.

And it does incorporate many of the items on my original list!

I have found it extremely rewarding to support myself using the principles that I’ve learned in Interior Alignment®, as well as supporting my clients in connecting with the energy of their homes, releasing the items in their homes that do not support their desires, and in arranging their homes to create harmonious and balanced environments, using objects, imagery, colors, aromatherapy, and much more – to truly create a home for their soul.

If you are interested in learning about becoming a professional practitioner of Interior Alignment® Feng Shui and Space Clearing, I’m teaching a course starting this spring. Check it out on my courses page or email me. I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have!

Love & Blessings,

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