Is Clutter Clearing Fun?

Is Clutter Clearing Fun

As we continue to move through the Solstice (Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere) and the last Full Moon of 2018, we are encouraged to step forward into the light, releasing things, beliefs, and emotions that do not serve our highest good.And what a perfect time to release right before so many celebrations, family and cultural traditions. In the midst of all the celebrating, potentially spending time with family or friends, who is really looking forward to clutter clearing?

If it was your goal (as it was mine) to get a chunk of clutter clearing completed before moving into the New Year, what are some ways that this can become a celebratory activity to support keeping you on target? When I look at my calendar, I see that I’ve already arranged for a charity pickup to come at the end of this week so I have a self-imposed deadline to keep me moving, at least a bit. And while clutter clearing is generally a fun activity for me, it is also sometimes sad.

Here are just a few tips that I use to keep my mood uplifted and clutter clearing a process that I look forward to:

  1. Focus on your intention. There are many times in life where we may be completing a difficult task. When we focus on the outcome of the task, the energy of that focus can pull us through to the end. Make sure that your intention is a joyful one that uplifts you when you think about it. It may be helpful to post the intention somewhere in the room so that you see it while you are clearing.
  2. Use Essential Oils.  If you have a diffuser or another way to have the scent of essential oils nearby in your space, use an essential oil that makes you feel joyful and uplifted. Whether it be lemon, orange or another citrusy scent, choose something using your intuition that just makes you feel great!
  1. Play Music. What music really brings you joy? Music is another way to change the vibration and energy in a space. While clutter clearing, play something that will inspire, uplift and make it a joyful experience.
  1. Visualize the Outcome. Just like setting an intention, visualizing the outcome can pull you forward to accomplishing your desires. What do you want your space to look like when you are complete? And more importantly, what do you want it to FEEL like when you are in your clutter-free space, surrounded by only the things that inspire you, bring you joy, and that you use?
  1. Clutter Clear with a Friend. Clutter clearing with a friend may be supportive and a great deal more fun. You can share your memory with someone else. The friend may also be a good neutral observer to help you release things that you really are not using. Choosing someone who is not too extreme on either side would be great – someone who will encourage you to release what needs to be released. 🙂

As you move through your clutter clearing in these final days of 2018, reflect on how you desire your 2019 to begin. How are you setting yourself up for success? And also remember that this is a journey to be enjoyed!

Have a wonderful holiday week!

Love & Blessings,

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