Magical Clutter Clearing

Magical Clutter Clearing

“How can Clutter Clearing be magical?” you may wonder. When you think of clearing clutter, what’s the first feeling that comes up? Is it dread, or overwhelm? Or, is it joyful and full of excitement? Or, do you think of the many ads, memes and fads that you’ve seen in the last year or so, talking about how great clutter clearing is?

Despite your initial reactions to the mention of clutter clearing, it can actually be a transformational experience, made even more meaningful when backed up by your intentions.

Clutter clearing is magical because is a straight forward way to dramatically shift the energy in your spaces.Even moving or removing one to three things can shift the energy in a space. Clutter clearing supports us on mental and emotional levels by changing the vibration of our surroundings. We are impacted by the vibration of objects, colors, and scents (just to name a few things) in our environment.

Changing how we relate to our environment will impact how we feel and operate within that environment. For example, if you desire to experience peace at home but surround yourself with piles of unused books, supplies, or other objects, does it really bring peace, or does it bring anxiety about what you haven’t done, or haven’t finished?

Everything in a space is chosen and placed based on the mindset of the owner (or designer) at that time. If you examine where things have been placed, you may discover the unconscious beliefs and emotions that supported the particular choices of purchase and placement. The process of clutter clearing supports us in examining where we are now and what we desire to attract or manifest in our lives. It creates magic by releasing all things from our experiences that do not support joy, love, and freedom, or whatever it is that you desire.

Once your space is energetically aligned with your beliefs, emotions and what you desire to attract into your life, it will create a wave of attraction that will bring other aligned energies into your life. When we release clutter (whether it is physical, mental or emotional), we are announcing to the universe that we are ready to experience more of what it is we desire. We are so ready that we have cleared space for it to move in.

So create some magic in your home and in your day by creating an intention for your home and the spaces within. Determine if the objects in your spaces support these intentions. Then, surround yourself with things that represent you, your feelings, and desires.

If you would like an in-depth experience in Creating Magic and Rituals in Your life, join us this July in Pennsylvania! Spaces are limited.

Love & Blessings,

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