Oftentimes, when people talk about clutter clearing, they often talk about the things (objects) that are cluttering their lives. Whether they have clothes they don’t wear, a kitchen full of fancy gadgets they never use, or piles of magazines that you never read, these things are more easily seen and identified as clutter.
Clutter also includes mental and emotional blocks. For example, how often is your day too full – where you have so many activities to do that they can’t possibly be done? Then, when the activities are not complete, guilt and negative self-talk result. When was the last time that you looked at your to-do list and released some of the activities and responsibilities that do not bring you joy or do not bring you closer to living your ideal life?
Emotional clutter can be subtle and hidden. What do we do with fear, guilt, sadness, or other emotions that we label as “negative”? Do we deny and stuff these feelings down, or acknowledge and embrace them so they can be released or shifted? Thoughts and emotions are also energy. Because energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed, we must acknowledge and recognize what is there and create opportunities for ourselves to transform and shift them into thought-patterns and emotions that are more loving and supportive.
Some ways that you can begin to become aware of thoughts and emotions that you may want to release are to journal and reflect on your day, and the thoughts and feelings that came up. Then, visualize what your ideal day would be. Look at both images of your day – what happened and what you desire to happen – and reflect on where you can make changes to bring you to your ideal day, self, and life.
When you are clear about your self-defeating thoughts and emotions, you can take a fresh look at how these have manifested in your physical environment. If you feel overwhelmed, are there spaces in your home that look or feel overwhelmed? Do you surround yourself with unfinished items that remind you that you don’t have time to complete everything on your to-do list?
The process of clutter clearing can feel overwhelming but doesn’t have to. We each have the power to choose how we desire to experience our lives and our homes. It is important to Be reflective, Be present with yourself, your thoughts and your emotions, and to take action to shift and transform your life along with how you set up your home so that your home can be a supportive reflection of your thoughts and emotions.