Arranging Our Spaces to Support Our Commitments and Intentions

Blog Post - Arranging Our Spaces to Support Our Commitments and Intentions

There are times in my life when I’ve made a commitment or set an intention and then things didn’t unfold as I expected them to.During some of these times, I abandoned what I set out to do; and later, it became a regret.

There are other times when I vowed to “start over” from the beginning but held onto the thought that I wouldn’t be able to complete the project or commitment because I didn’t complete it the first time that I tried.

One thing that I’ve noticed over the years is that during these times when my path is interrupted, the inner discord I experience is reflected in my spaces, especially in my personal spaces at home. Following is what I’ve done to maintain supportive spaces while I’m working on projects – no matter what shows up as an interruption.

1. Maintain a Clutter Free Environment

First, it is important to be aware of the spaces within your home. Once a space has been cleared of clutter, let the space support you by keeping it clutter free. Resist bringing items into your home that you do not love, use or find joy with. If this does happen, however, be present with your space and notice as it is happening. Then, re-clear your spaces.

I know that I can operate with more clarity and a sense of freedom when my spaces are clear, and no chaos is present. And remembering at any moment, things can change because life is change so be prepared to remain focused and present through any circumstance.

2. Reinforce Intentions

In setting an intention or making a commitment, how do you remind yourself of it? What works best for you – a visual representation (vision board), daily affirmations, guided meditation, or something else? How can you create a space that will remind you of your desires when external events might distract you?

For me, having visual representations of my commitments and intentions is extremely supportive. I often print them out and have them on paper in a place where I can easily see them. Hanging inspirational or joyful images in your space, an image that uplifts your energy, may also be supportive for completing your goals.

3. Arranging a Supportive Space

In spaces where you desire the energy to flow, ensure that you can easily move around the space without bumping into furniture or other objects, without tripping on rugs (or clutter) on the floor, and where hanging objects are secure in their spaces (won’t fall off the walls).

Reflect on the objects in this physical space. Is the chair comfortable? Do you have adequate lighting? Is there a solid wall behind your back? Do you feel comfortable and joyful in the space, inspired to create or ready to complete your goals?

The way your space is arranged can have a HUGE impact on what gets done or doesn’t get done in that space.

4. Other Factors Influencing Your Space

In addition to physical objects, also think about the colors, sounds and scents in the room. Do the colors encourage or inspire you to act, or make you want to go back to sleep? Remember that when thinking of colors, whole room painting is not always necessary. Color can be added through curtains or shades, images, scarves, or other items.

What music inspires you? Is there uplifting and energizing music that you can play while you work? Or, do you prefer nature sounds, chimes or other tones to keep you present with your work?

Is there a favorite scent that you want in the space that energizes you? There is a myriad of essential oils that can be used to change the energy in a space. Again, think about what most inspires or energizes you!

When thinking about how to best support oneself with honoring one’s commitments and goals, remember to analyze the spaces in your home where you want to complete these. Your physical spaces reflect your internal landscape – both mental and emotional. It reflects what you desire and what you believe you can accomplish. Have fun creating spaces to support your life!

Love & Blessings,

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