How Essential Oils Enhance Feng Shui Practices

How Essential Oils Enhance Feng Shui Practices

Can you recall the way your childhood home smelled when your favorite holiday meal was being cooked? Or, the smell that surrounds you when you walk past your favorite dessert shop on the street? What does thinking of those smells bring back? Memories? Emotions? Feelings?  Or, all of these and more?

The power of smell can significantly impact the way your home, office, or car feels and the way that people react when they enter and spend time there.More than any other sense, the sense of smell can reconstruct memory and bring back emotions in an instant. Smell creates a bridge between the visible and invisible in our world. Before people even see the colors in your home, the objects, furniture or anything else, the smells are already being processed by the subconscious. So, how do you want to feel when you enter your home? And how do you want others to feel? Continue reading “How Essential Oils Enhance Feng Shui Practices”