Why Clutter Clearing is a Spiritual Quest

Why Clutter Clearing is a Spiritual Quest

Does clutter magically appear in your home? Do you wake up wondering where all the stuff came from when you just gave 20 bags to charity?

Let’s look first at what clutter is.Clutter is ANYTHING that we do not use, love, or want. It can include broken items, unfinished projects, duplicates, or borrowed items. It can include the parrot figurine that a wedding guest gave you that you think is hideous. How many outfits do you have in your closets that are too big, or too small? Just as keeping clothes that no longer fit do not honor who we are today, keeping objects that do not fit our lives do not honor ourselves! Continue reading “Why Clutter Clearing is a Spiritual Quest”

Invisible Clutter: When De-Cluttering is about more than a Clean House

Invisible Clutter: When De-Cluttering is about more than a Clean House

“Action Expresses Priorities.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Are you feeling overwhelmed, rushed and burned out? Do you have time to work on the things most important to you? Do you even remember what’s most important to you?

As the seasons change, it is a perfect time to reflect upon our lives to celebrate how much we’ve accomplished and also to check that we have not strayed off our intended path. What were those intentions we set at the beginning of the year? Have we become so bogged down with responsibilities and tasks that we don’t know if they relate to your goals or not? Continue reading “Invisible Clutter: When De-Cluttering is about more than a Clean House”

Using Feng Shui to Create a Vision for Your Ideal Home

Using Feng Shui to Create a Vision for Your Ideal Home

Finding a home that will support you, make you feel safe, connect you to nature and hold sacred space for you is essential to living a fuller, freer and more joyful life.  Before you focus on how your home should look, reflect on the goals and dreams you have for your own life. What do you want to be doing five or ten years from now? If you accomplish your goals, how will you feel? Do you want to feel a sense of freedom, joy, or relaxation? When you focus on these emotions, what colors, scents and images come to mind? Continue reading “Using Feng Shui to Create a Vision for Your Ideal Home”