The Activating Power Of Spring: Plant And Nourish Only What You Want To Harvest

The Activating Power Of Spring: Plant And Nourish Only What You Want To Harvest

This winter has been particularly cold and unpredictable.How do you feel during the wintertime? Usually, if the winter feels particularly long, I begin to feel a bit confined and my energy is subdued. It is a time of introspection and reflection – one of hibernation.

Recently, however, signs of spring began popping up. People have been getting excited about seeing signs of spring, which officially begins next week. I’ve seen neighbors out exercising and preparing their lawns for spring.

While all of the seasons represent different cycles in the years of our lives, spring is especially exciting! This is the perfect time to start a new project or break free of a limiting or unhealthy habit. It is time for action, for the leaves and flowers to start blooming, for the amount of daylight to get noticeably longer, and for the weather to get warmer. People come out of their winter “hibernation” to enjoy nature and the outdoors, and to see the seeds they planted begin to grow.

When we live in harmony in nature, we also follow these patterns. And we can use the energy of the different seasons to activate different energies in our lives. There are many things we can do to activate the power of spring in our lives. Below are just a few:

To harness the power of spring,

1. Bring symbols of the season into your home, such as fresh flowers, or brighter colored fabrics. I have vivid memories of my mother changing all of the bed linens, curtains, towels and other fabrics in our home with every season. It refreshes the home and the energies within.

2. Open the windows – let in some fresh air!

3. Do a spring-cleaning – dust, clean, wash!

4. GET RID OF THE CLUTTER – Are there things in your home that are for winter use that you didn’t use in the last season? Do you really need to keep them?

5. Wash your windows – The windows of your home symbolize your vision of the world outside. Is your vision clear?

Shed the layers that kept you warm and protected in the winter. Spring is a time of activation, growth, and new beginnings; but before you jump into a more active lifestyle, think back to the goals/intentions/resolutions you set before you at the beginning of the calendar year (or set some now). Are the things you are going to take part in, or take action on, going to keep you on the path to achieving your goals? Or, are they just going to keep you busy?

Before you SPRING into action, ensure that the actions you take help you in creating your own path to your dreams because the seeds you plant and nourish are beginning to grow; and in the fall, it will be time to harvest them. Plant and nourish only what you really want to flourish in your life.

If you are interested in how to live in alignment with nature, and how to examine your life in a unique way, I invite you to learn more about becoming a Soul Coaching® practitioner. As a certified Soul Coach, you will learn how the elements and seasons play a part in your life, and how to flow with their energies to gain clarity and create inner alignment. You will also practice how to use these skills with clients.

Remember, it is a new season – a new beginning. What are you planning to take action on?

Contact Felicia today to learn more about Soul Coaching®.

10 thoughts on “The Activating Power Of Spring: Plant And Nourish Only What You Want To Harvest”

  1. Dear Felicia,
    you post is like a fresh breeze!
    “The windows of your home symbolize your vision of the world outside. Is your vision clear?” I really needed this <3

  2. Felicia, I love this, and it’s super syncy! These are the immense changes that I’ve been nourishing for springtime:
    1. Cleaning and reorganizing my home! We’re making space and getting rid of stuff that no longer serves!

    2. Enhancing my health! I’m changing the way I eat, workout, sleep, and loving life!

    3. New wardrobe! To go with the new health changes, in a few months, I’ll be getting new clothes.

    4. New business initiatives! I am revamping my business with an amazing new mentor that showed up in my life, and I’m opening new classes and new free content. I couldn’t be more excited!

    5. New freedom and abundance! This spring is one of new beginnings and transitions as we design our new home that we will be building soon with the new abundance from the improved business 🙂

    So much to be excited about!
    PollyAnna recently posted…The Top Five Myths About Men: That Keep Women In Negative Relationship CyclesMy Profile

  3. I am soooooo ready to let go and freshen up with Spring colors!!!

    I may buy new curtains this year. 😀

    Thanks for the idea!

  4. Felicia, I always get so much out of your articles, thank you! I love especially #s 1 and 4. “Your windows symbolize your vision to the world outside” <– woah! Good one! I love the image of your mom refreshing the window treatments and linens, why didn't I think of that?…sad to say I've had the same window treatments up literally since we moved into the house 6yrs ago!! And thanks to you I'm thinking what that's saying… 😉 xxo

    1. Hi Jesse! I love how spring energy brings spring cleaning! You will create great momentum when you clear out and welcome in the new. Things will definitely start moving and clearing 🙂 I LOVE spring too!

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