Using Feng Shui to Create a Vision for Your Ideal Home

Using Feng Shui to Create a Vision for Your Ideal Home

Finding a home that will support you, make you feel safe, connect you to nature and hold sacred space for you is essential to living a fuller, freer and more joyful life.  Before you focus on how your home should look, reflect on the goals and dreams you have for your own life. What do you want to be doing five or ten years from now? If you accomplish your goals, how will you feel? Do you want to feel a sense of freedom, joy, or relaxation? When you focus on these emotions, what colors, scents and images come to mind?

All of this information is useful is finding or creating our ideal home. Once you have a vision for your ideal home, how can you then find it? There are several ways you can do this. One is by creating a vision board for your ideal home. To do this, gather magazine, pictures, a piece of poster board, scissors and a glue stick. Once all the materials have been gathered, sit quietly and reflect on the questions above and on the way you would like to feel in your ideal home.

Once your mind is still and you are “feeling” the emotions you will feel in this home, flip through the magazines and images, pulling those that you feel drawn to without thinking too much about which ones you are pulling. Use your intuition! Once you have all of the pictures in a pile, begin to go through them, arrange them on the board, and continue to re-arrange them until you feel that it perfectly expresses life in your ideal home. Once you are satisfied with the arrangement, glue the images down.

After the vision board is complete, look for patterns in colors, styles, elements of nature or any other pattern you see in the board. Are there things here that you can add to your current home to make it more ideal for you and supportive of your needs and desires? If you are looking for a new home, what style of home will best support you? For example, if you chose an image of the ocean but want to stay in your current home nowhere near the ocean, examine why you added the ocean. Does it make you feel relaxed? Does it promote a sense of freedom, or expansiveness? Does it make you feel like you are at a spa? Focus on the feeling and see how you can add this feeling to your home through color, sound, scents, furniture choice and arrangement and more! Be creative, innovative! Remember there is more than one path to achieve your goal!

If you are feeling stuck and need individualized help with creating your ideal home, contact me here.