Using the Power of Sound to Transform Your Space

Using the Power of Sound to Transform Your Space

We never realize how much noise we are surrounded by until the power goes out.Imagine being in the aftermath of a thunderstorm with no power. Do you suddenly become aware of what you no longer hear? Is the silence shocking to you?

It is at these times that we miss the sounds of the television or radio along with the low hum of our appliances and even that of the light bulbs. Now, imagine the effect of these constant, nearly negligible sounds and their vibrations on both you and your space.

Have you ever wondered what the vibrational frequency of your home is? Take some time to think about what you want your home to feel like and how might you use sound to create that feeling. Using sound and its vibrations is a wonderful way to move energy in your home & keep your home feeling fresh and renewed.

Here are a few of the many ways you can use sound to create balance and healing in your home.

  • Play birdsong or nature sounds (by opening the windows or listening to recorded birdsong) – At a time when many of us are removed from nature, bringing us back to this connection has a healing effect on our lives and in our homes. For some, who get up in the morning before sunrise, leave their home in their car from the garage, immediately go into work from their car and don’t get home until after sunset, it is important to still feel a connection to nature. This can be done through incorporating soothing nature sound into your home.
  • Play music or sing in your home (live or recorded) – With music, experiment with types of music and sounds to find out which bring your energy up or down. Turn the music on, close your eyes, sit quietly and feel the vibration. Imagine what the sound would look like if it had color and shape. How does it make you feel? How does it make your space feel?

Also experiment with leaving music or nature sounds on in your home while you are away for the day. Notice how your home feels on days when you leave no music on and on days when you do leave the music on.

A wonderful instrument to play in your home is a singing bowl. A singing bowl is a bowl-shaped instrument that is basically played with a mallet, either tapping or running the mallet around their inner or outer rim to create a ringing tone. These tones/vibrations create an imprint on your space long after it has stopped being played.

These are just a few ways to transform your living space. When we create a home that makes us feel safe, nurtured and supported, we set the foundation for making other desired changes in our lives. What new opportunities do you want to bring into your life?

If you are ready to make a change in your life using the power of feng shui, contact me.

Listen to my Interior Alignment® blog talk radio segment, “The Healing Power of Sound in our Spaces

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