Space Clearing 101: What’s Important in Clearing a Space?

Space Clearing 101: What's Important in Clearing a Space

Take a deep breath and recall what it feels like to be in your favorite space from your past.How did that space make you feel? What did it look and smell like? Once you have a clear picture of what that space was like, recall the emotion that is most prevalent when you think of that favorite space. Is it Joy? Love? Contentment? Peace? Or, something else?

Now, think of your home. When you walk through the door into your home, what is the first feeling that comes forth? Is it Joy? Love? Or, is it more like Frustration? Sadness? Overwhelm? If the primary feeling in your home is not one that you desire, one way that you can shift it is with a space clearing.

Space Clearing is a wonderful process that can be used to energetically clean and clear a space.  During a space clearing, we can clear out old, stagnant or undesired energy and welcome in new, vibrant and fresh energy. There are many forms of space clearings that have developed across the globe in ancient cultures.

Here, I will review some basic components of a space clearing before we discuss some tools that you can use in the following articles.

First, whenever you do a space clearing, set a clear intention. Setting a clear intention is essential to shifting the energy in your space. In setting your intention, tap into that feeling that you desire to experience in the space. Even if your desire is to manifest abundance in your life, dig deeper to pinpoint the emotion that abundance will bring. Is it empowerment, joy, or something else?

Once you have determined your intention, prepare yourself. Drink water. Gather and prepare your tools (we’ll discuss tools in future articles).  Meditate. Clear your mind so that you are grounded and can tap into the emotion you want to infuse into the home. Imagine how things will turn out if you are feeling grumpy and irritated while you are trying to infuse feelings of love and peace in the home. Be in alignment with your intention as much as possible!

You may want to create an altar to hold the energy of the space clearing. The altar can be simple and small so you can set it up on any surface of your choosing. Again, go back to your intention. What do you want to infuse into the space? Then, think about what objects, colors, smells represent that intention to you. If you want to bring in more love, you may choose to use a pink cloth as the base of your altar. Choosing what goes on your altar can be very personal. You may also choose to put representations of the four elements on your altar (air, water, fire, earth). This could be as simple as a feather, a bowl of water, a candle (which can be a battery-operated candle if you don’t want to light a real candle), and a stone or small bowl of dirt. No matter what you choose, make sure the objects are meaningful to you.

Open a window to let more air/energy flow as you move throughout the home. Go through each space with your tool, once to release any stuck energy and a second time to infuse the new energy you desire in the space. How you move throughout the spaces will depend on what tool you have chosen; however, if you are using incense or something similar, you may move through the perimeters of the rooms, using a hand to push the smoke into the corners of the rooms. Pretend you are water flowing through your home, flow through the spaces as the water would. Noticing where the energy feels more difficult to move through.

As previously stated, there are many ways to complete a space clearing. These are some basic steps that you can use. You may finish your space clearing with a prayer or final intention.

Once you are finished, take another walk through the space. Notice if there are any differences from before the space clearing. Do the lights seem brighter or sounds seem sharper? What differences do you notice? Is there a difference in the way the space feels?

A space clearing is one very powerful way to shift the energy in your space. If you have questions or would like to learn more, please let me know in the comments below.

If you find that you are excited about starting an in-depth study of space clearing, I am planning to teach an Interior Alignment® Seven Star Blessing Space Clearing certification course in May. The first portion of the class will be online, followed by an on-site intensive in the summer. Click here to learn more.

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