Where’s the Front Door?

Where's the Front Door?

Have you ever gone to some place new and not been able to find the front door? Over the past two years, I have had numerous frustrating visits to buildings (mostly schools) at which I could not find the front door.You would think finding the entrance would not be difficult, wouldn’t you? How hard could it be? Use a map or GPS, input the address, arrive at the destination and there’s the entrance, right? WRONG! I would often walk up to the entrance, even with the name of the building above the door and no luck. The door would be sealed or locked with no sign directing me to the entrance. The handles would be removed from the door and the doorbells gone.

So, I would begin my trek around the building to find the entrance. Sometimes, it would be a side entrance; once, I even had to walk through an alley, past some dumpsters, and up a staircase to then find the entrance. When I asked why the entrance was hidden, I was told that they only wanted people who really belonged there to find the door. How do they know who really belonged there?

Remember that your front door (entrance) represents your life path and makes the first and biggest impression upon others. It is also the place where you welcome new energy and opportunity into your home. Here are a few questions to consider when examining the entrance to your home:

1.     Can you clearly see the entrance from the street? If not, remove all obstructions and clear the path to the door.
2.     Make sure the door works properly. Do the hinges need to be lubricated? The doorbell fixed? Does the doorknob work?
3.     Is the entranceway dirty, dusty, or just in need of a spruce up? Keep the path and the entranceway clean.
4.     If you use a side entrance to your home, is there a path or other guidance to make that entrance easily seen and accessible?
5.     Can you see the address, or other significant door sign from the street?

When thinking of your home as a metaphor for your life, make sure it greets the world in the same manner as you would like to!

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