Why Riding a Motorcycle is Like The Law of Attraction

Why Riding a Motorcycle is Like The Law of Attraction

Many years ago, as I was learning to ride a motorcycle, I was taught to look where I want to go. “Look through the turn” is what I constantly heard. “NO! Don’t look down.” Look where you want to end up and let your vision pull you, your body and the motorcycle there. If you look down, that’s where you’ll end up – on the ground. It sounds easy in theory; but for me, this was a difficult lesson to learn.

Recently, I heard the song, “Don’t Look Down” by David Ryan Harris from the Biker Boyz soundtrack. As I listened to the lyrics, it occurred to me that riding a motorcycle is like working with the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction teaches us to focus on where we want to be – to throw the anchor of desire into the future and let it pull and guide us to our desired destination through action. If we spend too much time “looking down”, or focusing on our current circumstances, what we will end up with is more of what we see and feel in the current moment.

Think about your goal – your desire and where you want to be in life. Visualize it, feel the emotions that will come with it and let it pull you to it, taking the steps to get from where you are now to the place of your dreams.

Here are some ways to remind yourself of where you are going, to keep you focused on where you want to be and not to “look down”:

1. Create a vision board, or collage, of images and words that describe the essence of your goals and dreams.

2. Imagine how you will feel when you achieve that goal or dream and re-design a space in your home or office that makes you feel as though you’ve already achieved that goal. For example, if your desire is to feel more abundance in your life, use colors, fabrics, and images in your space that make you think of abundance and feel abundant.

3. Write affirmations filled with gratitude in the present tense and sprinkle them throughout spaces where you will see them to remind you of your destination. For example, if your dream is to become healthier by drinking more water, you could write something like “Thank you for giving me the health I desire, which is enhanced by my drinking 8 or more glasses of water each day.”

Above all, in addition to looking where you want to go, make sure you take action so your feet can carry you there.

If you have ever considered stepping into a role in which you are guiding others to find the truth of their soul, in now is the time to step into the role of certified Soul Coach. As a Soul Coaching® practitioner, you will assist others in becoming clear on their desires, learning to release the layers of their lives that do not serve their highest good, AND facilitate the process of harnessing the law of attraction to bring their desired vision of life to life for them. During your training, you will also learn how to support yourself in these ways and more – as you are your own first client in everything!

Would you like to learn more? You can find out more here or contact Felicia to set up a conversation to answer all your questions and find out if becoming a Soul Coach is part of your path.

10 thoughts on “Why Riding a Motorcycle is Like The Law of Attraction”

  1. What a great reminder to focus on where I want to GO, not where I am right now. I love this and needed this reminder, as I’ve been a lot more focused lately on where I’m at now and what I don’t want. Silly! I’m switching that focus to what I DO want so that Law of Attraction will bring me that instead. 😉 Thank you for this timely reminder, Felicia! 🙂
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  2. What a lovely and simple analogy! This is the first year I’ve created a vision board in many years, and I loved putting energy into my intentions in such a creative and peaceful way. Beautiful post!

  3. I love this more than I have words to say! It’s so interesting because I completely see the parallels and this week, my partner asked me again to ride with him on his motorcycle – which I again declined. Now I’m thinking, what does that say about me and my relationship with The Law Of Attraction? My eyes are set on having a business that supports all of my family’s wants and needs now, bringing me peace and freedom. I want to support my partner, children, and self in a way that creates an abundance of time, love, money, space, health, wellness, food, and evolution. Thank you so much for sharing this, I will be sharing it with others! <3

    1. Thank you PollyAnna! Keep focusing on what you want to bring into your life and stay on the path on which each step brings you closer to that 🙂 Everything you desire will come along the way!

  4. Hi Felicia! This may seem like such a small biggest of your article, but it was really a big, hit me on the head reminder about the importance of color and fabrics. I’m so inspired by both and yet if you walked into my home you might think someone really dull lived there 🙂 Fabrics and textures are such a great way to add spice and depth whether too a room or just window shopping- something I need to remember I can do any time!

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